METALLICA: Pro-Shot Footage Of First Oslo Show Available

April 16, 2010

Official footage of METALLICA's April 13, 2010 concert at Telenor Arena in Oslo, Norway — including clips of the pre-show meet-and-greet and tuning-room jam as well as the actual performance — can be viewed below.

The band's setlist was as follows:

01. That Was Just Your Life
02. The End Of The Line
03. Creeping Death
04. Through the Never
05. Fade To Black
06. Broken, Beat And Scarred
07. Wherever I May Roam
08. Sad But True
09. The Unforgiven
10. All Nightmare Long
11. One
12. Master Of Puppets
13. Blackened
14. Nothing Else Matters
15. Enter Sandman
- - - - - - - -
16. Am I Evil?
17. Hit the Lights
18. Seek and Destroy

METALLICA's March 13 concert in Oslo was the opening show of the band's new European tour. This leg follows a successful South American run, which brought the guys to Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and several other countries.

So far this year, METALLICA has had a busy tour schedule, but when the guys do have down time, they try to make the most of it. Bassist Robert Trujillo told The Pulse of Radio what he does on breaks between tour legs. "When we come off the road, we kind of go our own ways," he said. "It just happens naturally, that's kind of a normal thing, I think, for a lot of bands. But I kind of immediately end up at the headquarters. I'm a SoCal guy and I'm living in NorCal, and I don't know a whole lot of people except my bandmates, so I always end up at the headquarters and kind of jamming there and taking care of emails and whatnot."

METALLICA's "headquarters" is located in San Rafael, California.

The band's current tour winds down June 27 in Istanbul, Turkey. On the itinerary is an appearance at Rock In Rio in Lisbon, Portugal on May 30, followed by Rock In Rio in Madrid, Spain on June 14.

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